For those that want to participate in cowboy action shooting and shoot just like they did in the movies with no aiming, the Outlaw Category is for you.
Outlaw Category Rules & Guidelines
For the THSS Outlaw category, the shooter follows the standard stage scenario except for the pistol and shotgun instructions. The shooter will shoot their pistols and shotgun following the same target sequence but will do so without aiming down the barrel. All standard CAS safety, clothing, equipment and costumes rules will apply. The following are the Outlaw guidelines that we’ll be incorporating for use at THSS™.
All SASS™ and THSS™ safety rules apply.
All SASS™ main match legal firearms (pistols, rifles and shotguns) are allowed.
All SASS™ main match legal ammo and powder is allowed.
All SASS™ main match approved calibers are allowed.
The shooter follows the standard stage scenario except for the pistol and shotgun shooting style.
- Pistols must be shot one-handed. This would include Duelist, Double duelist, or Gunfighter style only.
- Shooter must hold the pistols and shotgun below chest level with elbows bent and without aiming or sighting down the barrel.
- If the shooter brings the pistol or shotgun up above their chest and “appears” to be sighting in their shots then they will be assessed a procedural penalty.
The rifle may be aimed and shot from the shoulder if the shooter prefers.
Much like the Gunfighter category, Outlaw shooting is NOT for the novice shooter; proficiency in gun handling is a must before participating in this category!