Indian Fighter Rules

You been shooting standard CAS categories for a while, and you’ve even tried the THSS Cody/Dixon a time or two. But now you want the best of both. Then the Indian Fighter category might be what you are looking for.

Basically, the Indian Fighter category will shoot the scenario as any other standard shooting category with one exception, they will also engage the Cody/Dixon targets with their big bore single shot or lever rifle. They will still be shooting their pistol caliber rifle at the rifle targets using the same target sequence as the other shooters. But immediately following their pistol caliber rifle, they will engage the Cody/Dixon targets with their big bore rifle using the same target sequence as the other Cody/Dixon shooters.

THSS Indian Fighter Category Rules & Guidelines

For the THSS Indian Fighter category, the shooter follows the standard stage scenario except for the rifle instructions.

The shooter will first engage the main match rifle targets with the pistol caliber rifle as per the stage instructions, restage (or ground) the pistol caliber rifle, then retrieve their big bore rifle and engage the Cody/Dixon targets as per the stage instructions. Then restage their big bore rifle and continue with the stage scenario.

Shooter engages the pistol and shotgun targets the same as the other shooters. Awards for this category will be limited to men’s and women’s only. All standard CAS safety, clothing, equipment and costumes rules will apply. 

The following are the Indian Fighter guidelines that we’ll be incorporating for use at THSS:

  • All SASS and THSS safety rules apply.
  • All SASS main match legal firearms (pistols, rifles and shotguns) are allowed.
  • All SASS main match legal ammo and powder is allowed.
  • All SASS main match approved calibers are allowed.