THSS July 2016 Match

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Five stages of shooting Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators

THSS August 2016 Match (Hawaiian Theme)

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

August is the hottest month of the year for most Texans, so we dress a little different for this event at Gunsmoke.  You can wear as much, or as little, Hawaiian theme clothing as you want. The only requirements are that you must wear your hat, boots, and gun leather. This year, Doc Boedecker came up with the idea to have an Old West Bathing Suit competition, so dress that style if you can. An Internet search for "Victorian Bathing Suit" will help you find just the right striped onesie or bathing costume.  Should make for quite a photo! Anything else goes, Hawaiian print shirts, tank tops, grass skirts, shorts, swimsuit, you get the idea. Come on out and have some fun, the wilder the […]

THSS 2016 Shareholders Meeting

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

The THSS annual shareholders meeting will be on Saturday, September 17th at 2 pm.  This is the day before the September match. All current THSS members in good standing are also shareholders in the club and are invited to to come to the meeting to share their ideas, questions, and concerns for the club.


THSS September 2016 Match

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Five stages of shooting Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators

THSS October 2016 Match – Wild Bunch

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

The October match at Gunsmoke is traditionally the Wild Bunch match. Of course you can still do regular cowboy action, but many THSS members will be dressed up in clothing from the movie Wild Bunch and other early military clothing. Plus it's a great excuse to bring that 1911 of yours out of the gun safe and use it. Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Five stages of shooting Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators

THSS November 2016 Match

Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators

THSS December 2016 Match

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators

THSS January 2017 Match

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

Shooters Meeting: 8:30 am Cost: $15 for THSS members, $20 for non-members, Free for spectators Optional: $8 for catered lunch

Feb 4 Pre-Trailhead Work Party

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

THSS will have work parties every Saturday from February 4 to March 11 in order to get Gunsmoke, Texas ready for Trailhead. Work involved is everything from general carpentry to preparing shooter packets and brochures. Any help is greatly appreciated. Work parties start at 9 am each day and generally run until early afternoon. Lunch for workers is provided. Each time you help at a work party and arrive on time, you receive an additional entry towards winning a free gun. So the more you help the club out, the greater chance you have! The work party gun drawing will be held after Trailhead at the April THSS Match.  See the Events page for a full list of work party dates.

Feb 11 Pre-Trailhead Work Party

Gunsmoke, Texas 1147 FM 1890, Columbus, TX, United States

THSS will have work parties every Saturday from February 4 to March 11 in order to get Gunsmoke, Texas ready for Trailhead. Work involved is everything from general carpentry to preparing shooter packets and brochures. Any help is greatly appreciated. Work parties start at 9 am each day and generally run until early afternoon. Lunch for workers is provided. Each time you help at a work party and arrive on time, you receive an additional entry towards winning a free gun. So the more you help the club out, the greater chance you have! The work party gun drawing will be held after Trailhead at the April THSS Match.  See the Events page for a full list of work party dates.
