January 2019 Match Results

The dusters were out on display that day! Brrrr! But a good time was had by all.

Tell Sackett was the top overall shooter at the THSS monthly match. The match was held January 20, 2019.

Clean Match ShootersTop 5 Overall Shooters
Dusty MinesTell Sackett
Tell SackettTexas Scott
AngelsDusty Mines
Doc O’BayDoc O’Bay
Charles Goodnight

Here are the top shooters for each category:

CategoryTop Shooter
BuckarooCoyote Catcher
Classic Cowboy
Cody-Dixon LeverCharles Goodnight
Cody-Dixon SingleRowdy Yates
CowboyTexas Scott
DuelistDoc O’Bay
Elder StatesmanDusty Mines
Indian FighterTrooper Siegle
Lady SeniorAngels
SeniorTell Sackett
Senior DuelistOsage Mike
SharpshooterDoc Boedecker
THSS Wild BunchHouston
WranglerFat Mike

Click the Excel icon below to see a spreadsheet file with full results.
